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(Español) Streaming de Radiomaraton producido por Verite Producciones

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La Radiomaraton de Fanlyc, un evento anual que llama a los panameños a hacerse solidarios con los niños enfermos de Leucemia y Cancer, se celebró este año en la sede de la Fundacion, desde donde todas las emisoras participantes emitieron sus señales radiales. Como complemento novedoso este año, la Radiomaraton fue “streameada” al Facebook Live de Fanlyc por Verite Producciones durante mas de 30 horas. Puede ver un breve extracto de la transmisión aquí.


In what has now become an annual event, the Arrocha Accessories Festival returns to Verite Producciones for the production of its 2017 advertising campaign. The immense variety of jewelry stocked by Arrocha for its select clientele, is highlighted for this spot using the technique known as Keleidoscope along with Coco Camejo from Boyd Barcenas Mullen Lowe’s fresh creativiy. The spot was directed and shot by Ricky Barria while post production was in the hands of first line editor Beto Santacruz of Post3 Digital. The complete spot can be seen here.

Debutant’s Festival is produced by Verite Producciones

The Asociación de Damas Guadalupanas presented its traditional Debutant’s Festival in the Terraza Mar del Sur of the exclusive Club Unión de Panama, this past july 1st. This annual event presents into society a group of 72 young ladies and their escorts as well as their little sisters. The group’s main purpose for this activity is raising funds for its social assistance projects, mainly the summer camp for girls of El Valle de Anton, and the National Oratory, Pictorial and Drama contest held annually. For the 10th consecutive year, Verite Producciones produced the video memoir of this event. You can see a brief summary here.


FANLYC’S annual fundraising Radio Marathon is an annual event organized by the Fundación de Ayuda al Niño con Leucemia y Cancer. The event which lasts 36 hours brings together, in a show of solidarity, local radio stations and its on-air personalities, as well as local musicians who perform live in an effort to encourage donations from the public for this noble cause. Aside from producing the television spot featuring local painter Rolo de Sedas, Verite Producciones also streamed the event to Facebook Live. See it here.

el spot publicitario.


HECHA DE TODOS, is the new advertising campaign for Cerveza Panamá shot recently in Panama City and vicinities with a cast of over 70 local talents. The new campaign was created by advertising agency Proximity and co produced by Direktor Films and Verite Producciones. The director/DOP was Juan Carlos Beltrán and the Executive Producer for Verite Producciones was Rigoberto Guzmán. This campaings marks the re encounter of Cerveza Panamá with Verite Producciones after many years of advertising/commercial relationship and many memorable campaigns. You can watch the spot here: HECHA DE TODOS


CNN International hires the services of Verite Producciones

In recent weeks an ENG team from Verite Producciones visited Isla Colón in Bocas del Toro to cover the single handed eco-effort by canadian citizen Robert Bezeau in helping control the invasion of plastic bottles with the creation of his Plastic Bottle Village. CNN International produces Going Green, a 1/2 hour monthly program that showcases individual efforts by persons who are doing something to help mitigate the impact of humans on earth. You can watch this segment here. You may also watch the complete Going Green 1/2 hour show by clicking on this link.


Colombian folk singer FONSECA recently held a concert in Panama’s Amador Convention Center, interpreting his most recent hits, to the delight of thounsands of fans. For this particular show, Fonseca was joined on stage by Erika Ender, popular Panamanian composer who’s recent hit “Despacito” has broken charts worldwide. The IMAG for this concert, organized by Magic Dreams, was produced by Verite Producciones.

One Thousand Polleras Festival streamed live by Verite Producciones

The beginning of the year brings Summer and its breezes to Panama. And with it the start of the Fairs and Festivals season. One of the first of the year, and arguably the most elegant, is the Festival de Las Mil Polleras (One Thousand Polleras Festival) held at the colonial town of Las Tablas in the Los Santos Province. Verite Producciones streamed live over six (6) hours of this parade the past 14th of January. the webcast was shot with three (3) cameras and one drone, providing its viewers a first look at the parade, as our OB truck was located nearest the start of the parade. You can watch a short summary here.
This webcast was possible due to the cultural support of Budget Rent-a-car. Screenshot 2017-01-23 08.52.58

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BCIU contracts Verite Producciones for CCTV in Panamá

The Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) sponsored a series of seminars in Panama on “How to obtain value in Public Sector contracts”. The BCIU is a non-partisan organization that promotes understanding between businesses and the public sector. Verite Producciones provided CCTV services as well as audio, projection and simultaneous interpretation for the event held during the past month of December at the Westin Playa Bonita hotel.



Verite Produccones provides cctv of Christmas Parade sponsored by Panama City´s Mayor´s office

As it´s already become a tradition, Panama City´s Mayor´s office sponsored the annual Christmas Parade, this year featuring the classic tales of all times. The event´s cctv was responsibility of Verite Producciones using for this occasion an OB truck with 3 cameras, a jib and a drone. The signal had to be distributed along the 1.2km route to giant LED screens positioned along the Cinta Costera. The parade was part of the Mayor´s office Christmas program “Brilla la Navidad” (A Bright Christmas), and included floats, marching bands and local TV personalities. The night was capped by an impressive fireworks display.


